Relays are electronic switches used when an independent low-voltage signal is needed to control a high-power circuit. They commonly use an electromagnet (coil) to operate
Relays are electronic switches used when an independent low-voltage signal is needed to control a high-power circuit. They commonly use an electromagnet (coil) to operate
It is an easy-to-use three-terminal adjustable-voltage regulator. The LM317 voltage regulator circuit requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage. If a fixed
What is Bridge rectifier? A bridge rectifier is an electrical circuit that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). It is classified as a
What is stability of control system ? Stability refers to the ability of a closed-loop system to maintain a state of equilibrium or to return
PWM’s full form is Pulse width modulation. It is a technique used in electronics to encode analog information in form of duty cycle of periodic