Norton's Theorem
Norton’s theorem states, “Any linear electrical network containing only voltage sources, current sources, and resistances can be replaced by a single constant current source (Inorton) in parallel with a single resistor (Rnorton).”

Using Norton theorem to simplify circuits
Norton’s theorem is a fundamental principle in electrical engineering that simplifies complex linear circuits to a simpler equivalent circuit. An example to simplify circuits is shown below using a well-defined procedure:
Identify the load and the network

Find the short circuit current by shorting nodes A and B

Using the superposition theorem,
Find the equivalent resistance
The equivalent Rnorton is the resistance the circuit between terminals A and B would have if a short circuit replaced all ideal voltage sources and an open circuit replaced all ideal current sources.
The method of finding the resistance is identical to Thevenin resistance.

Create the Norton network

Step 5: Find the voltage across the load
The current through the load,
The voltage across the load,