Transformer impedance transformation

Impedance transformation

When a load (R) is connected to the secondary side of the transformer, depending on the turns-ratio (1:n), the effective load that appears to the source connected in the primary side can be represented as (1/n2) of the load connected to the secondary side.

This is due to the conservation of power between primary and secondary winding.



Equivalent circuit representation


As the figure mentioned, the secondary side has load resistance of RL. Because of the power conservation on the secondary-primary side and the turns ratio, the impedance can be represented as RL/n2 in the primary side alone without having the secondary side. This is for simplify the analysis. The equivalent circuit is consistent with the following equations.

$$\cfrac{N_P}{N_S}=\cfrac{V_P}{V_S}=\cfrac{I_S}{I_P}=\sqrt{\cfrac{Z_P}{Z_S}}=\cfrac{1}{n}=\cfrac{1}{\text{Turns ratio}}$$


If a transformer has a turn ratio of 1:5 (n=5) and load resistance RL=10 Ohms, then what would be the equivalent resistance seen from the primary side of the transformer?


$$\implies{} Z_P=\cfrac{10}{25}=0.4\Omega{}$$

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Quick Calculators

RC circuit
Time Constant (s) =

Cutoff Frequency (Hz) =

Time Constant (s) =

Cutoff Frequency (Hz) =

Impedance magnitude (Ω) =

Resonant frequency (Hz) =