Editorial Team

full bridge rectifier with ripple suppression capacitor

Bridge rectifier

What is Bridge rectifier? A bridge rectifier is an electrical circuit that converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC).

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Clipper Circuits

What is a clipper circuit? Clipper circuits, also known as clippers, limiters, or slicers, selectively remove a portion of an

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Brushed DC motor

What is a Brushed DC motor? Brushed DC motors represent one of the oldest, most cost-effective, and straightforward categories among

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compound excited motor - long shunt and short shunt motor

Types of DC motor

Classification of DC motors DC motors vary based on the arrangement of connections between the field winding and the armature,

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Multiplexers (MUX)

A multiplexer (often abbreviated as “mux”) is a digital circuit that selects one of several input signals and forwards it

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Flip-Flop and Latch

Flip-Flop vs Latch Flip-flops and latches serve as essential components in digital electronics, enabling the storage and transfer of binary

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Flash ADC

What is a Flash ADC? One of the fastest ways to convert an analog signal to a digital one is

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Vector network analyser

Magnitude and phase measurement across frequency, S-parameter measurement, Reflection parameters, Transmission parameters, Architecture of modern VNA, Ports

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CMOS Fabrication flow

CMOS technology advantages, Substrate preparation, Oxidation, Etching, Patterning, Photoresists, Ion-implantation, Self-aligned source/drain patterning

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Supply bypass capacitors

Supply voltage fluctuations, local charge storage, Power supply rejection, Switching noise suppression, High frequency stability of amplifiers and pure analog

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Problem simplification using source transformation

Source transformation

Simplification of circuit analysis, Thevein-equivalent circuit, Norton equivalent circuit, multiple simultaneous equations to a single equation with a single variable

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What is a Wattmeter?

Electrical power measurement device, Principle of operation, Electrodynamometer, Digital Wattmeter, Applications, Working principle

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Superposition theorem

Linear circuit analysis, voltage source replaced with shorts, current source replaced with open, KCL and KVL, Current through load resistance.

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Ring Oscillator

Ring oscillator, Chain of inverters, Noise, Process variation, Phase noise, Advantages of a ring oscillator, Area of a ring oscillator,

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oscillator block diagram

Barkhausen Criterion

The Barkhausen criterion is a mathematical condition to determine oscillation frequency. Sometimes it is also used to determine if the

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Symbol of thermistors, NTC, PTC, Steinhart-Hart equation, Self-heating, Thermal time constant, Applications of thermistors.

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Color sensor

Photodiodes, Pinned photodiodes, RGB color model, Color sensor unit, Bayer mosaic pattern, Lag effect, CMOS active pixel image sensor

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Flex sensor

Bend sensor, Two terminal device, Passive element, Variable resistance, Potentiometer, Working principle

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PIR sensor

Working principle of PIR sensor, Detection element, Dual sensor setup, Fresnal lens, Signal processing, Applications of PIR sensor

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What is accelerometer? An accelerometer is a sensor or device that measures acceleration. It is a fundamental component of many

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Pipeline ADC

What is a pipeline ADC? A pipeline ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) is a type of ADC that divides the conversion process

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Hall effect sensors

Hall element, Magnetic field measurement, Hall-sensor V-B characteristics, internal working diagram of Hall-sensor, Head-on detection and sideways detection

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Lenz law

Direction of induced electric field, Changing magnetic flux, Lenz law and Faraday’s law

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Thevenin’s theorem

Open load voltage (Thevenin voltage), Equivalent resistance by shorting voltage source and opening current sources (Thevenin resistance), Simplified network analysis

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norton theorem

Norton’s theorem

Short load current (Norton current), Equivalent resistance by shorting voltage source and opening current sources (Norton resistance), Simplified network analysis

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Ohm’s law

Ohm’s law defines the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance. It is a fundamental law in electronics—measurement setup of Ohm’s

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The Autotransformer

Principle of operation and voltage ratio, Construction and application, Copper savings in auto-transformer, Advantages and Disadvantages of an auto-transformer

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IC 741 Op Amp

IC 741 op amp is the most popular general-purpose operational amplifier in history. It can be found easily in the

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integrator circuit using opamp

Basic Op Amp circuits

Amplifier, comparator, super diode, voltage addition, voltage subtraction, voltage integration, voltage differentiator, voltage to current converter, peak detector, rectifier

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integrator circuit using opamp

Voltage integrator

A voltage integrator, also known as an integrator circuit, is a type of analog electronic circuit that performs mathematical integration

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Resistor specifications

Resistor color code, IEC markings, E-series resistors, Tolerance of resistors, Power rating of resistors, Temperature coefficient of resistors

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Capacitor specifications

Capacitance, Voltage rating, Polarity, Tolerance, Equivalent series resistance (ESR), Equivalent series inductance (ESL), Tangent loss angle, Leakage current, Temperature stability,

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Capacitor types

Polarized-unpolarized, Ceramic, MLCC, Aluminium electrolytic, Tantalum, Film capacitors, Super capacitors, Mica and paper capacitors

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Capacitors in AC circuits

Capacitive reactance, impedance, phase shift, frequency, Capacitor charging and discharging, current-voltage relationship, filter circuits, AC analysis, power factor correction

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Unit of resistance, Ohms, Symbol of resistors and potentiometer, Types of resistors, Resistor color code, Power rating of resistor, Application

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Solid state relay

Construction, Advantages and disadvantages over electromechanical relays, No moving parts, Input circuit of SSR, Output circuit of SSR, Applications, AC

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Introduction, Advantages and disadvantages of triac, Symbol and construction of Triac, Operation of Triac, Current-Voltage relationship of Triac, Triac control

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Bi-directional switch, No gate electrode, Symmetric current-voltage relationship, Triggering of Triacs, Holding current

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Thyristor (SCR)

Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR), unidirectional, Construction, I-V characteristics, PNPN, Gate, Anode, Cathode, Diode vs SCR, Data-sheet specifications

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Energy storage element, capacitance, parallel plate capacitor, permittivity, dielectric, voltage rating of capacitors

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MOSFET circuit model

Small signal model, high-frequency and low-frequency model, Common Drain, Common Gate, Common Source, Transconductance, thermal noise, flicker noise, capacitances,etc.

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Inductance, Circuit analysis, Inductor symbol, Non idealities of inductors, Types of inductor, Air core, Toroidal etc.

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PNP BJT Transistor

Simplified cross-section diagram of PNP BJT, Small signal model, Symbol of PNP BJT, Single stage amplifiers (CE, CC, CB), Biasing

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NPN BJT Transistor

Simplified cross-section diagram of NPN BJT, Small signal model, Symbol of NPN BJT, Single stage amplifiers (CE, CC, CB), Biasing

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Parasitic BJT in CMOS, lateral n-p-n and vertical p-n-p, SCR, subtrate resistance, guard rings, Positive feedback, epitaxial process etc.

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A linear electrical network with two supernodes

Nodal analysis

Kirchoff’s current law (KCL), Reference node, G matrix, Nodal analysis with a voltage source, Super node, Modified nodal analysis

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Brushless DC motor

What is a Brushless DC motor? Brushless DC motors (BLDC motors), as their name suggests, operate without brushes. Unlike brushed

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center tapped full wave rectifier

Full wave rectifiers

A full wave rectifier is an electrical circuit used to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). Unlike half-wave

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PN junction diode

Thermal energy, Diffusion, Drift, Electric-field, Barrier-potential, Depletion region, Fermi-level, Quasi Fermi-level, Energy band diagram in equilibrium.

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Bandpass filters

Bandpass filter allows signals within a specific range of frequencies, called the passband, to pass through while attenuating signals outside

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active second order high pass filter

Analog Filters

An analog filter is a circuit that selectively allows certain frequencies to pass through while attenuating others. These are made

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Energy band diagram, Drift current, Terminals in a MOSFET, Threshold voltage, Small signal model, Channel length modulation, Pinch-off region, Linear

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High power, fast switching, DC model, Switching Model, Specifications of power MOSFET, Channel resistance, Parasitic capacitance, Heat dissipation, Packages available

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root locus plot using matlab

Root locus plot

How to use a root locus plot, Concepts of root locus, Starting and end points of root-locus, Asymptotes of root

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bode plot exact using python

Bode plot

What is a bode plot? A Bode plot is a graphical representation of a closed-loop system’s loop-gain LG(s) frequency response.

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Working principle of DC motor. Showing direction of torque when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic field.

DC motor

What is a DC motor? A DC motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Inside

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Schmitt trigger

A Schmitt trigger is a type of electronic circuit with hysteresis, primarily used to convert non-linear input signals into digital

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Timer 555 IC

Relaxation oscillator, Block diagram, Internal circuit diagram, SR latch, Astable multivibrator, Bistable (Flip-flop), Schmitt trigger, Monostable

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H-bridge simple representation

H-bridge circuit

What is an H-bridge circuit? An H-bridge circuit forms the fundamental configuration for controlling a DC motor’s direction—either clockwise or

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Op Amp Properties

Non-idealities of operational amplifiers, Finite gain-bandwidth product, output impedance, input impedance, offset voltage/currents.

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Basic LC oscillator without feedback

LC Oscillators

Q factor, Damping factor, Center / Resonance frequency, Condition for oscillations, Active LC oscillator circuit, Tuned circuit, LC Tank circuit

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